Get in touch with these Local Talents during your stay.
They’ll provide amazing services and you’ll meet awesome people.
Surfing, Surf lessons, Surf Guiding, Yoga, Fishing Trips, Boat Trips, Golf, Horse Back riding, massage, transportation, Airport or border transfers, Bike rentals, Surfboards rentals, fresh fruits & veggies, fresh fish, cleaning, cooking etc…They are the solution!
Be in touch with these local talents. As soon as you book a stay with us, we’ll send you the house directory with all the information about the area, your house, activities, surfing, eating, transportation, surf spots in Nicaragua etc…and all the phone numbers and whatsapp numbers.

I’ll be your on site contact.

Need to relax? Call me for a massage.
Dona Martha

Top cook

Maintenance at the surf houses. We’ve been working together since 2008

Horse Back Riding anyone? Get in touch with Sarah & Omar. Galloping at sunset on the beach will be on top of your trip in Nicaragua.

Taxi driver with good cars, really reliable; we’ve been working with him for more than 12 years.

Surf Lessons, Surf Trips, Surf Guiding, Surf Coaching…Erol is your man! Really Professional and fun… 100% good time/ 100% Surfing
Owns Sardina Surf School at Popoyo, @alocalmovement

Photographer from Limon 2, send him a message and he’ll come and shoot your surf session!

For fresh fish & lobsters in Limon 2
Teresa & Cesar

Fishing & Surfing Trip from El Astillero…We’ve been working with them for more than 12 years
El Capitan

Teresa & Cesar are the owners of the boats and Noel is the Captain